ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Samskaram is a word that is used in Hinduism to describe certain rituals or ceremonies that are performed at different stages of a person's life. It is like when you have a special birthday party or graduation ceremony, but they are part of a big tradition and culture.

When babies are born, they have a ceremony called 'Namakaranam', which means 'naming ceremony'. This is when the baby is given a name and it is believed to be an important step in their life - kind of like a special start.

As children grow up, they have more Samskaram ceremonies. 'Upanayanam' is a ceremony where a child is given a sacred thread to wear over their chest, indicating that they are ready to start learning the sacred vedic scriptures.

There are other Samskarams such as 'Vivaha' or marriage ceremony, and 'Antyesthi' or funeral ceremony. These ceremonies are meant to be done in a certain way based on Hindu customs and beliefs.

Overall, Samskaram ceremonies are important parts of Hindu culture and they are believed to be ways to connect with the divine and to move from one stage of life to another.