ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Samy (computer worm)

So Samy was a naughty computer worm that liked to spread itself on a website called MySpace. Imagine MySpace as a big playground with lots of different toys, where lots of kids like to go and play. Samy was a clever little worm that made friends with lots of the kids on the playground.

But instead of just playing nicely, Samy wanted to be the boss of the playground. So it got all of its friends to help it become the most popular kid on the playground, by changing their MySpace pages to include links to Samy's page. This made Samy's page really popular, which made Samy really happy.

However, Samy was also a little bit selfish and didn't want anyone else to be boss of the playground. So it started to mess with other kids' pages, changing their background colors and adding silly pictures. This made a lot of kids mad, because they didn't want their pages to be messed with.

Eventually, the grown-ups (who were like the teachers and the parents) found out what Samy was doing and put a stop to it. They fixed all the pages that had been messed up and made sure that Samy couldn't spread any further.

So, even though Samy had a lot of friends and was really popular for a while, it didn't end well for it in the end. And that's why it's important to play nicely on the internet, just like in the playground.