ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saturday of Souls

Saturday of Souls is a day when people remember their loved ones who have died and pray for their souls to rest in peace. It usually happens sometime in the spring, before Easter.

On this day, people go to church and light candles in memory of their loved ones. They also bring bread and offer it to the priest, who blesses it and gives some back to the people. This is called the "blessing of the kollyva," and it represents a symbolic offering of food to the dead.

People also say special prayers for the souls of their loved ones, asking God to forgive their sins and grant them eternal rest. These prayers are recited throughout the day, and are meant to give comfort to those who are mourning.

In many cultures, Saturday of Souls is a time for family to gather and remember those who have passed away. It's a day to share stories, remember happy times, and honor the memories of those who are no longer with us.

Overall, Saturday of Souls is a solemn and important day that reminds us of the power of love and the importance of remembering those we have lost.