ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Saturday-morning cartoon

Okay kiddo, do you know what a cartoon is? It's a type of show that's made with characters that are drawn instead of being real people. A Saturday-morning cartoon is a specific type of cartoon that comes on TV on Saturday mornings.

These shows are usually made just for kids and they are a way for children to enjoy some fun and entertainment while they eat their breakfast and get ready for their day. They often feature colorful and silly characters doing all sorts of exciting things like solving mysteries, going on adventures, or having wacky adventures with their friends.

Some popular examples of Saturday-morning cartoons from a long time ago include shows like Scooby Doo, Flintstones, and the Jetsons. Nowadays, there are still some cartoons that come on TV on Saturday mornings that kids can enjoy.

So, basically, a Saturday-morning cartoon is a special type of show that kids can watch on Saturday mornings with fun characters doing cool things to keep them entertained.