ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sauna suit

A sauna suit is a special kind of clothes that makes you sweat a lot. It's like wearing a big raincoat that covers your whole body. When you wear it, you get really hot and sweat a lot, just like when you go to a sauna.

The suit is made of a special material that doesn't let air or moisture in or out. This means that when you wear it, your body can't cool down properly, so you start sweating to try and cool off.

Some people wear a sauna suit when they exercise or workout, because they think it will help them lose weight faster. Other people use it to detox or cleanse their bodies.

But it's important to remember that wearing a sauna suit can be dangerous, especially if you're not used to it or you wear it for too long. You can overheat and become dehydrated, which can lead to serious health problems. So it's always best to talk to a doctor before using a sauna suit, and to use it responsibly.
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