ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Scaphism is a very mean and cruel punishment that was used a long time ago. It was a type of torture used on people who were accused of doing things that were very bad.

Scaphism was done by putting the person who did something bad inside a box or a boat that was made of two parts. The person would be tied up in the middle, so they couldn't move. Then the box or boat would be put in water or left outside in the sun so that bugs and insects would come in and start biting and eating the person.

The person who did something bad would also be covered in honey or another sweet substance to make the bugs eat even more. They would be forced to stay inside the box or boat for days or even weeks, depending on how bad their crime was.

During this time, the person would suffer a lot because of the pain from the bugs biting and eating them. The person would also get very hungry and thirsty, but they wouldn't be given any food or water. This means that they would eventually die a very painful and slow death.

Overall, scaphism is a very terrible thing that should never be done to anyone. It is not okay to hurt people, even if they do something bad. We should find better ways to punish people for their actions.