ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schengen Information System

The Schengen Information System (SIS) is like a special computer program that helps lots of countries in Europe share information about people who might be dangerous or do bad things. It's like a big database that stores important details about different people, such as their names, date of birth, and whether they've committed crimes before.

The SIS has special rules that help European countries work together and keep people safe. For example, if someone tried to cross the border from one country to another and they were on the SIS list because they had done something bad before, then the border guards would be able to catch them and make sure they couldn't cause any harm.

People who might not be trustworthy, like criminals or terrorists, are often put on the SIS list so that officials know to be careful around them. It's like a special tool that helps countries communicate and protect their citizens from danger.