ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schiller International University

Schiller International University is a school where people go to learn new things and get a degree.

It is kind of like a big house where lots of different rooms (classes) have teachers in them who help the students learn new things. However, instead of just one big house, Schiller International University has different houses in different parts of the world!

That means, if you want to learn about different cultures while you study, you can choose to go to Schiller International University in, say, Germany or Spain or France.

Another thing that sets Schiller International University apart is that it offers lots of different types of courses. There are classes in business, psychology, international relations, and many other topics.

Once you complete these classes and do all the hard work, you get a fancy piece of paper called a degree, which means that you are really good at the subject that you studied at Schiller International University!