ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scholarship of teaching and learning

Scholarship of teaching and learning means that teachers who are really good at their job use their skills and knowledge to figure out how to help students learn better. It's like being a detective, but instead of catching bad guys, you're trying to find ways to help students understand things better.

Imagine a teacher who notices that some kids in their class have trouble understanding math. That teacher might spend time thinking about why the kids are struggling and looking for new ways to teach math that might help. They might ask other teachers for advice, read books and articles about teaching math, or even do experiments where they try out different approaches in the classroom to see what works best.

When the teacher finds an approach that works well, they might write about it, share their experiences with other teachers, and maybe even present their findings at a teaching conference. By doing this, they are contributing to the scholarship of teaching and learning. They are helping other teachers improve and, most importantly, helping more students learn.