ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

School leaving age

Okay, imagine you're in school and you've been learning all sorts of cool things. But you might wonder, "When can I stop going to school?" That's where the school leaving age comes in.

The school leaving age is the age when you're allowed to stop going to school. But why do people have to go to school in the first place? Well, schools are where kids go to learn all sorts of important things like reading, writing, math, and how to be good citizens. The more you learn, the more choices you'll have in life.

So, what is the school leaving age? It varies depending on the country you live in. In the United States, the school leaving age is around 16 or 18 years old depending on the state. Some countries, like Australia and the United Kingdom, require students to keep going to school until they're 18. This means that even if you don't really like school, you might have to keep going until you're a bit older.

Why do countries have different school leaving ages? Well, it mostly has to do with what they think is best for their citizens. Some governments believe that staying in school longer will help kids learn more and lead to better opportunities down the line. Others might think that kids should be allowed to start working earlier if they're ready.

Regardless of your country's school leaving age, it's always a good idea to keep learning as much as you can. Even if you don't like school all that much, remember that every bit of knowledge you gain will help you in some way!