ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

School of one

A school of one is like a magic school that knows how to teach you in the best way possible. Just like you have a special way that you like to learn and study, a school of one tries to find out what works best for you so you can learn more easily and have fun while you're doing it.

It's like having your own personal teacher who understands your strengths and weaknesses and helps you learn by creating a special kind of lesson plan that's just for you. This means that you get a lot of individual attention and support so you can learn at your own pace and in your own way.

A school of one uses a lot of technology to help you learn. There might be cool computer programs and apps that you can use to study, or you might get to work with other kids who are learning the same thing as you but in a different way. The important thing is that you get the help you need when you need it, and you get to feel confident and excited about what you're learning.

Overall, a school of one is a special kind of school that helps you learn the way that's best for you, so you can be successful and have fun at the same time!