ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

School-leaving age

Okay kiddo, you know how you go to school every day and learn new things? Well, when you get older and reach a certain age, you will have to leave school and go off into the world. This age is called the school-leaving age.

Now, the school-leaving age varies from country to country, but in most places, it is around 16 or 18 years old. This means that when a student reaches this age, they can choose to either continue their education or leave school completely and start working or pursuing other opportunities.

In some places, the school-leaving age is mandatory, which means that students are required by law to stay in school until they reach a certain age. This is because education is very important for a person's future success and wellbeing.

Overall, the school-leaving age is an important milestone in a student's life. It marks the transition from being a student to becoming an adult and entering into the workforce or pursuing other paths in life.