ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schools of ukiyo-e artists

Okay, kiddo, so imagine you have a bunch of artists who all draw pictures of cool things happening in the city of Edo a long long time ago. They draw things like pretty ladies, scary monsters, and awesome samurai warriors.

Now, these artists have different styles and ways they like to draw things. And over time, some artists learn from each other and start working together to create even more amazing pictures. They become like a team or a group, all sharing ideas and techniques.

So, these groups of artists who work together in Edo are called "schools" of ukiyo-e artists. Each school has its own unique characteristics and way of drawing. Like, one school might draw their ladies with big fancy hairstyles and detailed patterns on their clothes, while another school might focus more on realistic expressions and emotions.

Now, sometimes an artist might start in one school and then switch to another school because they like the way those artists draw things better. And sometimes artists from different schools might work together on a project, like a big painting or book.

So, just like how you have different teams in sports or different groups of friends at school, there are different schools of ukiyo-e artists who work together and create amazing artworks.