ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schröder number

Okay kiddo, have you heard of numbers before? Think of them as counting, just like how you count to five. Now, the Schröder number is a special kind of number that helps us count something called lattice paths.

A lattice path is like a journey you take on a grid, like a game board. You start at one point and can only move either right or up to get to another point. So, for example, if there is a grid with four squares on the bottom and four on the side, you can make a lattice path that goes from the bottom left square to the top right square by going up and right multiple times.

Now, the Schröder number helps us count how many different lattice paths we can make from one point to another on a grid. It's named after a man named Ernst Schröder who studied these paths a long time ago.

The formula for finding the Schröder number is a bit complicated, but it basically involves adding up a bunch of smaller calculations to get the total number of lattice paths. Mathematicians use the Schröder number to help understand and solve problems related to grids and paths.

So, in summary, Schröder numbers help us count the number of different paths we can take on a grid, like a journey from one point to another. It's named after a man named Ernst Schröder and involves some complicated math, but it's really cool!