ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Schwarzschild metric

So, imagine you are playing with a hula hoop. The hula hoop is like the Earth, and you are a little ant walking around on the inside of it. Now imagine you throw the hula hoop really high up into the sky, far away from you.

As the hula hoop flies away, it starts to get smaller and smaller. This is because the Earth's gravity is pulling on it and causing it to shrink. If you were able to keep watching the hula hoop as it got smaller and smaller, eventually it would become so small that it would disappear completely.

This is kind of like what happens with really heavy things in space, like black holes. Black holes are so heavy that they can actually warp space itself around them. This means that if you get too close to a black hole, its gravity will pull on you so hard that even light can't escape.

When scientists study black holes, they use something called the Schwarzschild metric to help them understand how gravity works in the warped space around the black hole. It's like a special math equation that describes how space and time are distorted by the black hole's gravity.

So, just like the hula hoop shrinking as it gets pulled in by the Earth's gravity, the Schwarzschild metric helps scientists understand how the space around a black hole gets warped and distorted as a result of its intense gravity.