ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Science and technology in Portugal

Well, Billy or Sarah, science and technology are very important things that people use to make really cool and useful things. It's like the magic that grown-ups use to create new things, fix problems, and make our lives happier and easier.

Portugal is a country in Europe, which means it's a place where many people live and work. The scientists and engineers in Portugal are really smart people who know a lot about math and science, and they use that knowledge to create amazing things.

For example, they use technology to build newer, faster, and more efficient cars, planes, and trains so that people can get around more easily. They also use science to make better medicines to help people feel better when they are sick, and they use technology to communicate with people all around the world in ways that were never possible before.

Portugal also has many companies that make advanced electronics, like smartphones and computers, which are things you might see at home or in school. They have also used science to make renewable energy, which means using sources like wind, water, or sunlight to create electricity instead of harmful things like coal or oil.

In Portugal, there are also many universities where scientists and engineers go to learn even more about math and science so they can continue to create amazing things. So, you see, science and technology are really important in Portugal, just like they are in many countries around the world. And who knows, maybe one day you will grow up to be a scientist or an engineer too!