ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Science in Iran

Science in Iran means that many people in Iran, which is a country in western Asia, are really interested in learning about how things work in the world. They like to study different subjects like chemistry, physics, biology, and more to try and find out more about the world around them.

They also have lots of scientists who work in universities, research centers, and companies. These scientists use special tools and equipment to study things like how the earth was formed, how our bodies work, how to make new medicines or technology, and many other things.

Iran has been very interested in scientific research for a long time. In fact, some people think that Iranians were some of the first people to study science thousands of years ago! They have made many important discoveries and inventions throughout history, and they continue to work hard to discover new things today.

One thing that has helped science in Iran is that the government supports research and education in science. They have set up many universities and research centers where scientists can work and learn. They also give money to scientists and companies who are working on important projects.

Overall, science is a very important part of life in Iran, and many people there are working hard to make new discoveries and inventions that will help make the world a better place.