ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever drawn pictures or cut out pictures from magazines and glued them onto paper to make a pretty picture? Well, scrapbooking is kind of like that but with special papers, stickers, and things called embellishments to make a special book full of memories.

First, you need to pick out a book to use as your scrapbook. It's kind of like a photo album, but instead of just pictures, you can add in things like ticket stubs from a movie or concert, a dried flower from your garden, or a special note from a friend.

Next, you need to gather up all of the things you want to include in your scrapbook. This could be anything from photos to postcards to little trinkets you've collected. You can even write stories or captions to go along with the items you're including.

Then, it's time to start decorating your pages! You can use special paper designs and colors, stickers, and other decorations to make your pages look pretty. Some people even go all out and add fancy touches like glitter or ribbon.

Finally, you just need to put it all together! You can arrange the items on your pages however you want, and then attach them to the scrapbook using special adhesive or tape. Keep going until all of your pages are filled up with memories and cute decorations. Then, you'll have a special book that you can flip through whenever you want to remember all of the fun times you've had.