ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Screen magnifier

A screen magnifier is like a giant magnifying glass that you can put on your computer or phone screen. It makes everything on the screen bigger so you can see it better. Just like when you hold a magnifying glass up to a book and the words look way bigger, a screen magnifier works the same way, but for your computer or phone.

Think about it like this: Remember when you were playing with building blocks and you wanted to build something really cool, but some of the blocks were just too small for you to see? So, you asked your mom or dad to help you find the right block and they used a bigger block to help you see what you needed? Well, a screen magnifier helps you do the same thing, but with your computer or phone screen!

So, if you have trouble seeing things on your computer or phone screen, a screen magnifier can help make it easier for you. It can make the letters on the screen bigger, the pictures more detailed, and the colors more vibrant. It's like having a superpower that makes everything easier for you to see!
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