ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Scrying is like peeking into the future or communicating with spirits or beings from another dimension. It is a way of looking at things that are not visible to our eyes using special tools like mirrors, water, or crystals.

It's kind of like playing pretend or make-believe, but instead of pretending with toys, you're using your mind to imagine things that might happen.

For example, if you're looking at a crystal ball and you're doing scrying, you might see a picture or movie in your head about something that hasn't happened yet. You might see colors, shapes or images that give you a feeling about what’s going to happen next.

Some people believe that scrying can help us connect to our deepest intuition and guide us toward a better future. It's also seen as a way to communicate with ancestors, spirits, or the universe.

But it's important to remember that not everything you see in a scrying session may be true or accurate. It's just one way to look at things and make predictions about the future. So, like make-believe or playing pretend, don't take it too seriously and always use your common sense!