ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scythian mythology

Scythian mythology is the stories and beliefs that the Scythian people had a long time ago. The Scythian people were a group of warriors who lived in what we now call parts of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

The Scythians believed in many gods and goddesses who were responsible for different things like the sun, the moon, and the animals they hunted. They also believed that there were powerful spirits that lived in nature, like in trees and rivers.

One important god that the Scythians worshipped was Tabiti, who they believed was the goddess of fire and home. They also believed in a god named Papaios, who was thought to be the god of the underworld, where people went after they died.

There were also many magical creatures in Scythian mythology, like winged horses and giant snakes. These creatures were said to have special powers and were often used in stories to teach important lessons about bravery, loyalty, and respect.

Overall, Scythian mythology was a way for the Scythians to make sense of the world around them and explain things that they couldn't understand. They used these stories to teach important values and to bring their community together.