ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! So, sealift is when big boats called ships carry things like food, water, and other important stuff to different places around the world. See, sometimes it's really hard and expensive to move things like that by land, like with trucks or trains. So, ships come to the rescue!

But these aren't just any old boats. They are HUGE, like the size of a small town or even bigger! And they have lots of special tools and machines that help them do their job. They have big cranes that can lift tons and tons of heavy things onto and off of the ship. They also have special containers that can hold all the stuff they need to carry, like boxes of food or tanks of water.

Sometimes, the stuff they are carrying is for people who live on islands or in remote places that are hard to get to. Other times, it might be for a big military operation or for helping people after a natural disaster like a hurricane or earthquake.

So, in short, sealift is when big boats carry important things to different parts of the world, and they are really big and powerful boats that can do a lot of heavy lifting!