ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seba (biblical figure)

Seba is a person mentioned in the Bible, and he was probably from a place called Sheba. The thing is, there are a few different Sebas in the Bible, so it can be a little confusing. But the most well-known Seba is the one who was the son of Cush, who was the son of Ham, who was the son of Noah. Seba's family was really important in the Bible because they were connected to the story of the Great Flood.

Seba probably lived a really long time ago, before there were cars or planes or even electricity. In fact, people back then lived really differently than we do now. They didn't have iPhones, computers, or even grocery stores! Instead, they had to hunt for their own food and make their own clothes.

Now, Seba wasn't one of the most famous people in the Bible, but he was still important because he was part of Jesus' family tree. You might remember from Sunday School or church that Jesus was born to a woman named Mary and a man named Joseph. But before that, there were a lot of people in Jesus' family tree who were also really important in the Bible. Seba was one of them.

So even though we might not know a lot about Seba, he still played a part in the story of the Bible and in the family tree of Jesus.