ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Secretariat for the Economy

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you have some money like your allowance, you have to decide what to do with it? Maybe you want to save some for later, spend some on a toy or treat, and maybe even give some to charity.

Well, think of the Secretariat for the Economy as kind of like a grown-up who helps the leader of the Catholic Church, the Pope, decide what to do with all the money the Catholic Church has. The Secretariat for the Economy is made up of people who are really good at math and managing money, and they make sure that the Church's money is spent and saved in the safest and most responsible ways.

They help the Pope make important decisions about things like how to support Catholic schools and hospitals, and how to make sure that churches around the world have the resources they need to do important work in their communities.

So, the Secretariat for the Economy helps the Catholic Church make sure it's being smart and careful with its money, so it can do the most good for people everywhere.