ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sectional chart

A sectional chart is like a map of the sky that helps pilots plan their flight. Just like how you have a map for the roads you drive on, pilots have these maps for the sky that show all the important things they need to know when flying their airplanes, like airports, radio towers, mountains, and other obstacles.

The map itself is split up into sections, which is why it's called a "sectional" chart. Each section covers a different area of the sky, and pilots use these maps to help them fly safely and to make sure they don't accidentally run into things.

Pilots can use a sectional chart to plan their route, figure out how long their flight will take, and make sure they stay clear of any obstacles or other airplanes that might be in their way. These charts are very important to pilots, because they help them get to their destination safely and enjoyably.