ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so let me try and explain sedeprivationism to you. It's a big word, but don't worry, we'll break it down step by step.

First, have you heard of a Church called the Catholic Church? They have a leader called the Pope who lives in a big palace in Rome called the Vatican.

Now, some people who follow the Catholic Church believe that the current Pope is not really the true Pope because they think he was elected in a wrong or invalid way. These people are called sedeprivationists.

The word "sede" means "chair" in Latin, and "deprivation" means "taking away". So, these people believe that the current Pope has been "taken away" or "deprived" of his position as the true Pope because of how he was elected.

Some of these people believe that there hasn't been a true Pope in a very long time, and that the Catholic Church has gone off track because of this.

It's important to remember though, that not everyone who follows the Catholic Church believes in sedeprivationism. It's just one perspective among many.

Does that help explain it to you, kiddo?
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