ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Selective androgen receptor modulator

Hey there kiddo! Let me tell you about something called a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, or SARM for short.

Now first of all, do you know what hormones are? They're like messengers in your body that tell different parts of your body what to do. And one of the hormones in our body is called "androgen," which is responsible for things like muscle growth and bone strength.

So a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator is basically a special kind of medicine that can attach to certain parts of our body called "androgen receptors." These are like little locks in our body that can only be opened by the right key - and the "key" in this case is the androgen hormone.

What makes SARMs special is that they can "turn on" these locks in specific parts of our body - like our muscles or even our bones - without affecting other parts of our body that we might not want to change.

For example, sometimes people who are sick might not have very strong muscles, and that can make it hard for them to do things like walk or climb stairs. But instead of giving them a medicine that affects their whole body, doctors can give them a SARM that only targets their muscles, and helps them get stronger just in that specific area.

This can be really helpful for people who have diseases that make their muscles weak, or even for athletes who want to improve their performance and build stronger muscles.

So that's what a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator is - a medicine that can help us get stronger, but only in the parts of our body we want to change. Pretty cool, huh?