ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you're given the responsibility of taking care of your toys and keeping your room clean. You can play with your toys and you can clean your room, but sometimes you might forget or not want to do those things.

Now, imagine you're all grown up and you have to take care of yourself. This means making sure you eat food, drink water, stay clean, and take care of any health problems you might have.

However, sometimes grown-ups forget or don't want to take care of themselves. This is called self-neglect. It can mean not eating enough food, not drinking enough water, not taking a shower, or not going to the doctor when they're sick.

Self-neglect is not good because it can lead to health problems and even death. Just like how you need to take care of your toys and room, grown-ups need to take care of themselves too.
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