ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, so let's start with what a "cobordism" is. You know what a puzzle is, right? Well, in math, a cobordism is kind of like a puzzle piece that connects two other puzzle pieces.

Now imagine you have two shapes, let's say a circle and a square. If you can find a cobordism that connects the outside border of the circle to the outside border of the square, then we call those shapes "cobordant."

So what about "semi-s-cobordism?" The "semi" part just means that we're only dealing with half the puzzle piece. And the "s" part is referring to a specific kind of shape, called a sphere. So a semi-s-cobordism is like half of a puzzle piece that connects two spheres together.

Why do we care about this? Well, mathematicians study cobordisms to learn more about shapes and how they relate to each other. And by studying semi-s-cobordisms, we can learn even more about spheres and their properties. It's like putting together a giant puzzle to uncover new secrets about the mathematical world!