ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, senotherapy is like a magic potion that helps old cells in our body to become young again. As we grow old, some of the cells in our body stop working properly and start becoming lazy. These cells are called senescent cells. Senotherapy helps our body to get rid of these lazy cells and replace them with fresh new ones.

When we are young, our body is good at getting rid of these senescent cells by itself. But as we grow old, it becomes difficult for our body to do so, and that's where senotherapy comes to the rescue.

Scientists have found a way to make senescent cells go away by giving our body some special chemicals. These chemicals activate something called programmed cell death, which makes the lazy cells die and make way for new ones.

Senotherapy is like a paintbrush that helps you clean your room, but for your body. With senotherapy, you can make your body feel young again, just like when you were a little kid.