ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sensitive but unclassified

Sensitive but unclassified (SBU) is a type of information that is important but doesn't necessarily need to be kept secret. It's like having a special toy that you really like, but you don't mind showing it to your friends.

Some information is ultra-important (like passwords or secret government plans) and needs to be kept hidden away from everyone. But there are also things that are important to know, but not so much that they need to be kept locked up.

SBU information might include things like company policies, internal memos, or research findings. It's important that this information is not leaked to the wrong people, but it's not necessarily a big deal if it is seen by someone who shouldn't see it.

So, SBU is like a special secret that is important, but not so much that we have to keep it under lock and key.