ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Separable affix

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a separable affix is in a way that you can understand it easily.

First, do you know what a word is? Good! Now, some words can have extra parts added to them to change their meaning. These extra parts are called affixes.

A separable affix is a special type of affix that can be detached, or separated, from the rest of the word. For example, let's take the word "uplift." "Up" is the separable affix in this word, and it means "to a higher position."

Now let's take it apart! We can say "I will lift up the book," and "I will uplift the book" means the same thing. In the second sentence "up" is separated from "lift" and becomes its own word, but still has the same meaning.

Some other examples of separable affixes are "pre" in words like "preview" and "post" in words like "postpone." Can you think of any others?

So, that's what a separable affix is! It's an extra part we can add to a word that can be taken apart from the main word while still keeping its meaning. Pretty cool, huh?