ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Servetism is a belief system that was founded by Michael Servetus, a theologian who lived a very long time ago. Servetism is about your relationship with God and how you understand Him.

Think of it like a game of hide and seek. In the game, one person hides, and the other person seeks them out. When we talk about God, people believe that God hides from us, but we can still try to find Him by learning about His teachings and following them.

Servetism believes that God is not made up of three separate people, like in other beliefs. Instead, they believe that God is one person who is not separate from Jesus Christ, who lived on earth. This is called non-Trinitarianism.

This belief system also believes that salvation is not just about believing in God and Jesus Christ. Instead, they believe that we must do good things in our lives and be kind to other people to earn salvation. This is called works-based salvation.

In summary, servetism is a belief system that believes in one God who is not separate from Jesus Christ and that we must earn salvation through good deeds and being kind to others.
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