ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Service Bureau Corporation

A service bureau corporation is like a big helper company that helps other companies with things they don't know how to do or don't have the resources to do themselves.

It's like you're building a sandcastle at the beach but you need some extra buckets and shovels. You can't buy them because you're on vacation and you don't want to carry them home with you. So you go to the beach rental stand and rent the buckets and shovels you need. The rental stand is like the service bureau corporation because it helps you with something you need but can't do or don't want to do on your own.

Service bureau corporations usually help other companies with things like data processing, accounting, and payroll. They have experts who know how to do these things really well and can do them faster and cheaper than if the companies did it themselves. The companies pay the service bureau corporation for their help, kind of like how you paid to rent the buckets and shovels.

So just like how the beach rental stand helped you build your sandcastle, service bureau corporations help other companies build their businesses by providing them with the help they need.