ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Service bureau

A service bureau is like a place that helps you do things that you might not be able to do on your own. Think of it like asking someone for help with your homework. A service bureau helps businesses by doing tasks for them that are too big or complicated for the business to do by themselves.

For example, let's say a business wants to make a lot of copies of a paper. But they don't have a big enough printer or don't know how to make lots of copies quickly. They might go to a service bureau to make all the copies for them.

The service bureau has big machines that can make lots of copies quickly and has people who know how to use them. They can help the business make lots of copies without the business having to do it themselves.

Another example is if a business needs to translate a document into a different language but they don't know how, they might go to a service bureau for help. The service bureau has people who know different languages and can help translate the document for the business.

So, a service bureau is like a friend that helps businesses with tasks that are too hard or time-consuming for them to do on their own.