Service dominant logic in marketing means that instead of focusing on selling products, we should focus on helping people solve their problems or meet their needs through services.
Think of it like this: imagine you're thirsty, and you want something to drink. You could go to a store and buy a bottle of water. That's a product-centric approach to solving your problem.
But what if there was a service that could satisfy your need for hydration in a different way? For example, what if there was a service where someone would bring you a glass of water whenever you needed it? That's a service-centric approach to solving your problem.
Service dominant logic in marketing is about placing emphasis on the value that services can provide, rather than just products. It's about understanding that customers don't just want to buy things - they want solutions to their problems. And often, those solutions are best provided through services.
So instead of just trying to sell products, companies should focus on creating services that solve customer problems and meet their needs. This service-centric approach leads to more satisfied customers, stronger relationships, and better business outcomes.