ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Set packing

Set packing is like trying to fit as many toys as possible into a toy box without any of them touching each other. Just like how you can only fit so many toys in a box before they start getting in the way of each other, set packing is when you try to fit as many "sets" as possible into a group without any of the items in those sets being in another set.

For example, let's say you have a bunch of crayons and coloring books. You can make one set of crayons and one set of coloring books. But if you try to combine the two sets, you might have some crayons touching the coloring books, which wouldn't work in set packing. The goal is to find the most efficient way to group things together so that you have as many full sets as possible, without any of them overlapping.

This has a lot of practical applications in things like computer programming, scheduling, and logistics. It helps people figure out how to organize things in the most efficient way possible, so that they can get the most out of their resources.