ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Sorrows of Mary

Okay, kiddo! So you know Mary, right? The lady who was Jesus' mom? Well, Mary had some really tough times in her life. These tough times were called the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

The first sorrow was when Mary was told that she was going to have a baby, but not just any baby, the son of God. This was really scary for Mary because she didn't know what was going to happen or how people would react.

The second sorrow was when Mary had to flee to Egypt with her family because King Herod wanted to harm baby Jesus. This was a really scary journey and they didn't have a lot of things with them.

The third sorrow was when Mary lost baby Jesus for three days in the temple. This was really scary for Mary because she didn't know where Jesus was and she was really worried.

The fourth sorrow was when Mary saw Jesus carrying the cross to his crucifixion. This was really sad for Mary because she didn't want her son to be hurt.

The fifth sorrow was when Mary saw Jesus being crucified on the cross. This was really sad and painful for Mary because she loved her son so much.

The sixth sorrow was when Mary received the body of Jesus after he died. This was really sad for Mary because she had to say goodbye to her son.

The seventh sorrow was when Mary saw Jesus being laid in the tomb. This was really sad for Mary because it was the final goodbye and she would never see her son again in this life.

So these were the Seven Sorrows of Mary. It was a really tough time for her, but she stayed strong and faithful.