ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven Wonders of Canada

Okay, kiddo! So imagine Canada is a big, beautiful country with lots of amazing things to see. Well, some people got together and decided there were seven places in Canada that were extra, super special. These seven places are called the Seven Wonders of Canada.

The first wonder is called Niagara Falls. You know how sometimes we see waterfalls in movies or cartoons? Well, Niagara Falls is a real-life waterfall! It's so big and powerful that it makes a really loud sound and sprays water all over the place. Lots of people visit to see it because it's such a cool thing to watch.

The second wonder is called Northern Lights. You know when the sky gets really pretty and colorful at night? Well, way up north in Canada, there's a special thing that happens where the sky gets all green and pink and blue and yellow! It's like a big light show in the sky and it's really cool to look at.

The third wonder is called Bay of Fundy. Do you know how there are beaches with sand where people like to swim? Well, at Bay of Fundy, the beach is different - it's made of rocks! And when the tide comes in, it brings in a ton of water and makes really big waves. It's like the ocean is playing a game of "peekaboo" with the land and it's very fun to watch.

The fourth wonder is called the Rocky Mountains. You know how you see hills and mountains in picture books? Well, the Rocky Mountains are real mountains that are really, really tall! They have snow on top and lots of trees and animals living in them. It's like a giant playground for people who like to climb or hike.

The fifth wonder is called Old Quebec. You know how there are lots of different countries in the world? Well, Canada used to belong to a different country a long time ago called France. Old Quebec is a very special place where it still looks like it's from France! The buildings and streets are made of cobblestone and there are people who speak French there. It's like taking a trip to a different country without leaving Canada.

The sixth wonder is called Hopewell Rocks. Do you know how sometimes rocks can look like animals or people or things in imagination? Well, at Hopewell Rocks, the rocks look like really big flower pots! And when the tide comes in, it covers the bottom half of the rocks and makes them look like they're standing in the water. It's like seeing a magic trick from nature.

The last wonder is called Dinosaur Provincial Park. You know how you love dinosaurs? Well, at Dinosaur Provincial Park, there are real-life fossils of dinosaurs! They're like bones that the dinosaurs left behind a really, really long time ago. And you can go on tours to see where the dinosaurs lived and learn all about them. It's like being a real-life paleontologist!

So those are the Seven Wonders of Canada, kiddo! They're all really special places in Canada that people like to visit and learn about. And there are lots of other wonders in Canada, too, so you can keep exploring and finding more amazing things!