ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sexual harassment in education in the United States

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something very important called sexual harassment in education. In schools and colleges, boys and girls go to learn and grow, and sometimes in these places, some people might make other people feel uncomfortable or scared by touching them, saying bad words or touching them in ways they don't want to be touched. This is called sexual harassment, and it is wrong, and it's not allowed.

For instance, if someone makes rude comments, unwanted advances, or touches someone in a way that makes the other person feel scared, uncomfortable or sad, that's considered sexual harassment. It could happen anywhere, like at school, parties, or even on the internet.

Now, because sexual harassment is not okay, there are laws created to protect students and make sure nobody is harassed at school. These laws are called Title IX, and they require all schools to have policies to prevent and address sexual harassment.

Schools must train teachers, students, and staff on what sexual harassment is and what to do if they see it happen. Also, schools should have a person who students can talk to about any form of sexual harassment, and a way for students to report harassment without fear of being punished.

If someone is found guilty of sexual harassment, they might be suspended or even expelled from school. Sexual harassment can have serious emotional and physical effects on the victim, and schools take this very seriously.

Remember, nobody has the right to hurt or scare you, and if someone is bothering you in a wrong and uncomfortable way, tell someone you trust, like your teacher, your parent, or the school principal. They can help you, and you don't have to face this alone.