ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shamanism in Siberia

"Shamanism in Siberia" is a special way people in Siberia, a very cold place far away, believe they can talk to the spirits and gods of the world.

Shamans are like special messengers who can hear and talk to the spirits and gods. They do this by going into a special state of mind called a "trance". It's like daydreaming, but much stronger!

Shamans use special tools to help them talk to the spirits, too. They might use things like drums, rattles, or special plants. They also wear special clothes and decorate their homes with things like feathers and animal skins.

The Siberian people believe that shamans can help them with all sorts of things. They might ask a shaman to help them find food, heal sickness, or even talk to a loved one who has passed on to the spirit world.

Overall, shamanism is a very important part of the Siberian culture and a way for them to connect with the world around them in a special way!