ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shanghai opera

Shanghai opera is like a play with singing, dancing, and acting in China. It has been around for a long time, even before your grandparents were born! People in Shanghai love going to the opera to watch the colorful costumes, beautiful music, and talented performers.

In the opera, the actors wear special costumes, colorful makeup, and masks to tell different kinds of stories. There are serious dramas, funny comedies, and even sad love stories. They all come to life on stage thanks to the talented performers who use their voices to sing and tell the story. The musical instruments that are used are also special and different from what we usually hear in other kinds of music.

Sometimes the performers even do acrobatics or dance in time with the music to make the audience feel like they are a part of the show. It's like watching a big, colorful, musical fairy tale come to life right before your eyes!

Even if you don't understand all the words they're singing, it's still fun to watch the actors and listen to the beautiful music. People in Shanghai are so proud of their opera and they love to share it with others from around the world. So if you ever go to Shanghai, maybe you can go watch the opera and see for yourself how amazing it is!