ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sheaf cohomology

Have you ever played with a puzzle where you have to fit different shapes together to make a bigger picture? Sheaf cohomology is like that – but instead of shapes, we're fitting together pieces of math called "sheaves".

A sheaf is a way of studying functions or shapes that change as you move around a space, like a balloon that gets bigger or smaller depending on where you press it. Imagine you have a map of your neighborhood, and you want to study how the temperature changes as you move from one house to another. You could use a "temperature sheaf" to track these changes: it tells you, for any point on the map, what the temperature is around that point.

But what if you want to compare two different temperature sheaves? You might want to see, for example, where they're the same and where they're different. This is where sheaf cohomology comes in. It's like a way of measuring the "holes" or "gaps" between different sheaves – just like you might measure the gaps between puzzle pieces to see how they fit together.

To do this, we use something called "cohomology groups". Cohomology groups are like different levels of the puzzle that measure different types of gaps or holes. For example, the "zeroth cohomology group" measures if two sheaves are the same or different. If they're the same, there's no gap! But if they're different, there's a gap – and we can measure how big that gap is using other cohomology groups.

So, sheaf cohomology is a way of measuring the "holes" or "gaps" between different sheaves. We use cohomology groups to measure these gaps, and each group tells us something different about how the sheaves fit together. It's like a puzzle that helps us understand how shapes or functions change as we move around a space.