ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sherlock Holmes fandom

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the Sherlock Holmes fandom. You know how when you really like something or someone, like a toy or a cartoon character, you might want to learn more about them and pretend to be them sometimes? Well, lots of grown-ups and older kids really like a character named Sherlock Holmes, who is a detective in books and movies.

These fans, or "Sherlockians," love to talk about Sherlock Holmes and share their favorite stories and adaptations of him with other fans online and in real life. They might dress up like Sherlock or his friend Dr. Watson, or even make artwork or stories about them. They also like to solve puzzles and mysteries, just like Sherlock does in the books.

Sometimes there can be different opinions within the Sherlock Holmes fandom, like who is the best actor to play Sherlock or which story is the best one. But overall, they all really love and respect the character of Sherlock Holmes and his adventures, and enjoy sharing that love with others who feel the same way.