ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ship gun fire-control system

Do you like to play catch with a ball? When you throw the ball, you have to aim it just right so that it goes where you want it to go, right? Well, a ship gun fire-control system is kind of like that, but with really big guns on a big ship.

When a ship wants to shoot at something (like another ship, or an airplane), they use a fire-control system to help them aim the gun just right. Think of it like a really fancy computer that helps the people on the ship aim the gun as accurately as possible.

First, the people on the ship use special equipment to figure out where the target they want to shoot is. Then, they put that information into the fire-control system. The fire-control system uses that information to figure out where the gun needs to be aimed in order to hit the target.

But it's not just about aiming the gun - the fire-control system also helps the people on the ship decide how much gunpowder to use to shoot the bullet as far as possible. You know how when you throw a ball, you have to throw it harder if you want it to go further? Well, it's the same with ship guns. The fire-control system helps the people on the ship figure out how hard they need to shoot the bullet in order to hit the target.

By using the ship gun fire-control system, the people on the ship can aim their guns more accurately and shoot farther than they could without it. It helps them protect themselves and stay safe while they're out at sea.