ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ship transport

Ship transport is like sending a big box of toys from one place to another, but instead of toys, it's huge things like cars, machinery, or even food that people eat. The big box that carries them is called a ship, and it's like a really, really big boat. Think about your toy boats, but imagine one that is as big as a whole lake.

Ships are very important because they help people send things to different parts of the world. For example, if you live in America and want to eat bananas that are grown in South America, you need a ship to bring them over. The same goes for things like computers, clothes, and toys.

Ships can travel on the ocean, rivers or other waterways. The water provides a path for the ship to follow so it can reach its destination. The ship has a captain and a crew who work together to make sure the ship stays on course, avoid obstacles like rocks or other boats, and keep everything running smoothly.

When a ship arrives at its destination, it unloads all the things it was carrying. That's like when a truck delivers packages to your house. The things can then be moved to trucks or trains, which can take them even further to their final destination.

In summary, ship transport is like sending big boxes of things on really big boats that travel on water to different parts of the world. This way we can get things we need but can't make or grow ourselves from other places.