ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ship-Submarine Recycling Program

Okay kiddo, do you remember how we recycle things like plastic bottles and newspapers to keep our environment clean? Well, the ship-submarine recycling program is kind of like that, but it is for big metal boats called ships and submarines that are no longer needed by the Navy.

When a ship or submarine becomes old or damaged, it can't be used anymore and it takes up a lot of space in the Navy's yards or in the ocean. The ship-submarine recycling program is a way to get rid of those old boats and recycle their metal parts for other purposes.

First, the boats are taken to special yards where they are cleaned up and any hazardous materials are removed. Then, the metal pieces such as the hull, engines, and other parts, are cut up into smaller pieces using big machines. These pieces are later melted down and turned into new things like cars, buildings, and even new ships.

The recycling program helps the Navy save money by getting rid of old boats they no longer use and it also helps the environment by reducing the amount of metal waste that would otherwise end up in landfills or pollute the ocean.

So just like how we recycle our old toys and clothes, the Navy recycles their old ships and submarines to make new things and keep our planet clean. Pretty neat, huh?