ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shirley McKie

Okay kiddo, so there was a lady named Shirley McKie who worked as a police officer in Scotland a long time ago. One day, something bad happened and a man was killed in his own house. Shirley went to the house to investigate and she found some fingerprints that she thought belonged to the killer.

But then, some other people looked at the fingerprints and said they didn't belong to the killer. They said the fingerprints belonged to Shirley! Can you believe it? Shirley said she didn't do it and she didn't leave her fingerprints there, but some people didn't believe her.

So, Shirley had to go to court and be judged by a bunch of important people who decide if someone did something bad or not. The court said that Shirley was lying and that she did leave her fingerprints at the crime scene, even though Shirley said she didn't. This made Shirley feel really sad and angry because she knew she didn't do it.

But then, many years later, some smarter people came along who had better technology and they looked at the fingerprints again. They found out that the fingerprints actually didn't belong to Shirley! They belonged to someone else. So, Shirley was right all along!

This made a lot of people feel bad for not believing Shirley and for making her go to court for something she didn't do. Now, Shirley is known as someone who stood up for herself and proved that she was innocent, even when many people didn't believe her.