ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shrove Tuesday

Okay, so Shrove Tuesday is a special day that happens before a really important holiday called Easter. At Easter time, people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but before they do that, they like to have a big feast and lots of fun activities. This is where Shrove Tuesday comes in!

On Shrove Tuesday, people traditionally made pancakes as a way to use up all of the rich and yummy ingredients in their pantry before they started to fast for Lent. Fasting means that they don't eat certain foods or do other things that they enjoy, like watching TV or playing video games, for a certain amount of time leading up to Easter.

So, people would make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and have a big feast with their family and friends. They might also play games, like pancake races, where they run while flipping pancakes in a frying pan. It's a fun way to celebrate and get ready for the more serious time of Lent that comes after.

Overall, Shrove Tuesday is a day to have fun, eat good food, and prepare for the important holiday of Easter!