ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Siberian Shamanism

Siberian shamanism is like going on an adventure in your imagination with a magical guide called a shaman.

In Siberia, there are some people who believe in spirits and that everything around us, like the trees and the animals, have spirits too. The shaman is someone who helps people talk to these spirits and learn from them.

To become a shaman, someone has to go through special training with other shamans. They learn how to communicate with spirits and how to go on special journeys in their mind to different places where the spirits live.

During these journeys, the shaman has many tools to help them get in touch with the spirits. They might use things like drums or rattles to create a special rhythm that helps them enter a trance-like state. They also might use herbs or crystals to help focus their energy and connect with the spirits.

When someone needs help, they might go to a shaman to ask for guidance or healing. The shaman will talk to the spirits and ask them for advice on how to help the person. They might give the person a special ritual or ceremony to do in order to connect with the spirits themselves and learn from them.

Overall, Siberian shamanism is a way of connecting with the spirit world and learning from them to help us live better lives.